Convoluted Reasonings

Discombobulating your perception of reality

Caution! WorkZone Ahead!

The standard paradigm behind web-development is to pre-plan your design and content and to stay with the end product. But what happens if the design needs to change to accommodate a changing outside influence? Or for that matter, what if you desire to update the content and by doing so, an update of the design needs to be made?

This is partly the purposed outcome of this site but then again, it may not be. As my musings change, I may or may not have to edit the content or change the design. I hate being confined to a standard that others have established, of which I was not a party to. I prefer to go things on my own accord, adjusting and modifying if and when it is seen fit.

With this being said, it should be obvious by now that this site may be, or never will be, finished. As time goes by, there may or may not come a time that a minor or drastic edit needs to be made to satisfy my whims.

Yes, this site is under construction so please proceed slowly.


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